When someone brags, they show where they find their own security and identity: their possessions, their accomplishments, their status. It would be completely foolish for Christians to boast in ourselves! Rather, if we brag, we set out our own weakness--the opposite of this world. Join us in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 as Paul shows the foolishness of bragging in this world.
A PDF with space for sermon notes and with meditations for A Week in the Word are available right here. Please download it and follow along!
We're sorry to report that we had some audio issues with our online service this week (we made a fix so that we could display song lyrics again, but what we reinstalled goofed up the audio), but if you'd like to watch as much as you can from our service, you can do so below:
Also, many thanks to all who give so that we can continue to minister to our community and around the world. If you'd like to give online, you can start on this page.