Go to Acts 20:17-32

Thank you for worshiping with us!  There is a copy of this weeks bulletin on our website carneyfreechurch.org/other-media!

Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give

Go to Psalm 16

Thank you for worshiping with us!  There is a copy of this weeks bulletin on our website carneyfreechurch.org/other-media!

Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give

Guest Speakers & Elders

October 2024

  • Eric Herb Psalm 16

  • Toy Meissner  Ephesians 1:15-23

Guest Speakers

Aug - Sept 2024

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  • https://www.youtube.com/live/wJupWM0Xp8U?si=nGIqYFOeP1QCwwrq

  • Go to Ephesians 1:14

    Thank you for worshiping with us!  There is a copy of this weeks bulletin on our website carneyfreechurch.org/other-media!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give

  • Thank you for worshiping with us!  There is a copy of this weeks bulletin on our website carneyfreechurch.org/other-media!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give

  • Colossians 3:1-4

    Jack Ambrosius


It all comes down to what you do.

Jesus taught a ton of stuff: what the blessed life really looks like, that we're the salt of the earth and the light of the world, that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, how to live right in the world He made. SO WHAT? If you don't put His words into practice, none of what He said will make a difference in you. Let's take Jesus' words to heart and DO them as we read Matthew 7:15-27 together on Pastor Kit's last Sunday with us.

  • Jesus taught a ton of stuff: what the blessed life really looks like, that we're the salt of the earth and the light of the world, that He came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, how to live right in the world He made. SO WHAT? If you don't put His words into practice, none of what He said will make a difference in you. Let's take Jesus' words to heart and DO them as we read Matthew 7:15-27 together on Pastor Kit's last Sunday with us.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other-media

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.


Ever get suspicious when someone tells you to just do this or that? Jesus breaks out a series of commands for us––familiar to many––but we still raise an eyebrow at them. Join us in Matthew 7:7-14 over these two weeks as we hear Jesus' commands and ask whether we'll take Jesus at His Word.

  • Sunday August 11, 2024- On this Baptism Sunday at LLBC we'll hear back-to-back commands of Jesus: one called the Golden Rule, and one about the Narrow Gate. The Law and the Prophets teach us simply to "do unto others as we wish they would do to us" … and we all fail such a simple command! But God holds out to us a simple choice, to follow Him through a narrow gate on the hard path that leads to life … will we accept this simple call? Thanks for joining us in Matthew 7:12-14!

  • Many of us have been so let down in the past that we've stopped asking, seeking, or knocking. Instead, we become content, complacent, and we make do without hoping for more. But in Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus revives our hopes in our Father in heaven Who gives good gifts to His children! If God wants us to ask for the things that please Him … will you?

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other-media! 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.


  • People who have problems with trust don't trust people who are very trustworthy––with a proven track record, and who display deep care for us. But don't let your anxiety from day to day get the best of you! We have every reason to trust God and seek His kingdom first! Let's reflect with Jesus on the Father's goodness in creation in Matthew 6:25-34 so we can renew our trust in Him. 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other-media! 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

  • We can't have it both ways. Someone, or something, is steering your heart today, and it will come out on top when your desires conflict. Is it anxiety about having enough? Is it shame that can't be exposed? Is it power to prove you're good enough in someone's eyes? Is it trust that God's ways are always right? Join us in Matthew 6:24 as Jesus calls out the competing masters for our lives--and calls us to let Him be all in all. 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at


    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

  • As you prepare for this Sunday, pay attention to your eyes. When do your eyes "light up"? When do they grow dark? Your eyes reflect the attitude of your heart––and Jesus wants your eyes to fill your whole body with light, not with darkness. Thanks to Troy Meissner for preaching this Sunday as we hear Jesus' words to us in Matthew 6:22-23!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at


    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit


  • .Whatever treasure we have here, it needs protection: rust-proof paint, combination locks, burglar alarms, and even security guards. But when we treasure what God treasures, no one and nothing can take it away! And our hearts are secure when our treasures are secure. Join us as Jesus teaches us to set our hearts on what's protected the best in Matthew 6:19-21. 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other-media . 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.


  • We feel good about giving to the needy--even when it's hard. We feel closer to God when we pray--even when it's hard! And when we fast … and it's hard … many of us don't see the point, and many of us give up! But when we realize the benefits of fasting to our walk with God, we stop getting mopey about it – in fact, we get excited to welcome God's work in us! Join us for a new perspective on fasting as we hear Jesus' words to us, His followers, in Matthew 6:16-18.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/othermedia!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

  • Jesus expects us to pray! But there are ways to pray that don't match up with who God is. He doesn't need you to be obnoxious in order to hear you; He doesn't need you to pressure Him or spam Him with the amount of your "calls." Join us with Jesus in Matthew 6:5-8 to learn how not to pray as well as how to pray.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other media!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

  • COWBOY CHURCH NOTICE: This livestream will start at 9am Central on June 2, not 10am! Jesus dives into three "religious" actions we should be doing … but not for other people to see them! When we lose sight of God's rewards, we tend to trade them away for social rewards, and that's always a bad trade. Join us in Matthew 6:1-4, continuing in Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, as we learn how to give to the poor like God wants us to. 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/othermedia!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

Passing On the Faith (Deuteronomy 6)

  • Live Sunday May 26, 2024 (see above). When you lead your family to do something different, your kids will ask, "Why are we doing this?" Let your kids find answers when you lead them to follow Jesus! Every generation of parents gets to point their kids to the living hope we've found in the gospel. Join us in Deuteronomy 6:20-25 as we remember together what our God has done for us!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other media!  

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give

  • When life is hard, we tend to cry out to God. But when life is good, we tend to ignore God and forget about Him! As we look ahead with our graduates this Sunday, how will we prepare to resist the pull of other goals and gods that call us to worship them? Join us in Deuteronomy 6:10-19 as we renew our commitment to serve the Lord, no matter what goes right!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other media-online! 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

  • Happy Mother's Day! God's forever plan for us to love Him with all that we are involves parents more than priests and pastors. When God gave the Greatest Commandment, He commanded us to teach it to our children, to weave it throughout our lives every day. Join us in Deuteronomy 6:6-9 to learn how moms, and dads, and caring adults in the family of God make fervent and obedient disciples––beginning at home. 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/other media! (in the bulletin)

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit carneyfreechurch.org/give.

"But I Say Unto You" (Matthew 5)

When Jesus says that He has come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, He never meant just the letter of the Law. Just like His heart shines through in His obedience to the Father, we need to follow God's good law with the love of Christ! Thanks for joining us in Matthew 5:21 to the end of the chapter as we learn how to follow Jesus in His good commands.

The song "O Holy Night" has a verse that says, "His Law is love, and His Gospel is peace." We usually don't think of Law and Love in the same sentence--but God has expressed to us how to live well in this world by following His law, His good design for us! Let's walk slowly through God's good commands together in Deuteronomy 5 so that we will delight in God's design.

  • Let's cut through the noise: what is the most important thing that God wants us to do? What does JESUS say that we should put first in our lives? We'll get back to the fundamentals this morning as we read Mark 12:28-34 to find what it looks like to love the LORD our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength--and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click on this link!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Before we worshiped God, we all worshiped something--perhaps a number of things. But putting our trust in Jesus means putting all those other "gods" to death, never to compete with the God Who knows us, speaks to us, and saves us! Join us in Deuteronomy 5:1-7 as we start in on the Ten Commandments together: God's Law of Love for us to follow.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click here to download!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Other gods competing for the LORD our God's worship: obviously bad. Other gods posing as the LORD our God for our worship: sneakily bad! As we dwell on the second of the Ten Commandments, in Deuteronomy 5:8-10, may the LORD reveal to us what idolatry means in our modern world so we can see and worship God for Who He is, not what we want Him to be.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click and download here!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Taking God's name in vain is so much more than cleaning up our vocabulary of curse words! What do you pray for "in Jesus' name"? What claims do you make in telling people, "this is what God says," about politics, education, or other areas of public life? Let us hallow God's name (and what does "hallow" even mean?) as we consider God's third commandment of the Ten in Deuteronomy 5:11.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click to download here.

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, follow this link!

  • Almost everyone agrees with the last six commandments: even if they aren't Christian, and even if they don't keep them! And Christians all affirm how important the first three commandments are for loving the LORD our God with all that we are! But why are so many so ready to cut the list to Nine Commandments and get rid of this one--instead of seeing it as a weekly gospel witness? Join us in Deuteronomy 5:12-15 as we go deeper into loving God with the rhythm of our lives!

    Click here to download a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • "Honor your father and your mother" is God's fifth commandment, and for many, it makes sense. For others, it feels impossible. Everyone wishes their parents were wise, understanding, and overflowing with love, and we hope to be so for our children!. But how do you honor parents who have turned away from God? Or parents who failed to love you well? Our series through the Ten Commandments continues in Deuteronomy 5:16--and we're glad you're joining us in hearing and following God's Word.

    Click here to download a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • From two short words, "Don't murder," comes an ocean of insight into what it means to love–or hate–your neighbor. Do we love to see others thrive? Even our enemies? Or do we keep on the path of hatred: from insults to murder, from threats to death? There's lots packed into Deuteronomy 5:17 as we listen to the Author of Life speak to us from His Word!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click here to download!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • God could have called out a lot of ways people get off course sexually, but the seventh commandment highlights one: "You shall not commit adultery." Our faithfulness to our vows between a husband and wife uniquely mirrors and displays that beautiful, exclusive devotion between every Christian and the LORD our God! Join us this morning in Deuteronomy 5:18 as we celebrate the joy of faithfulness in marriage and renew our commitment to worship God alone.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click on this link!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Jen Wilkin writes, "Stealing 'helps' the individual at the expense of the community." Following the life of Jesus instead--Jesus, Who set aside His glory and gave up His life for us--transforms us from takers into givers! How will we let the Holy Spirit transform us into those who give back … and who keep on giving? Join us today in Deuteronomy 5:19 as we allow God's Law of Love to make us a generous people.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click on this link!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Tons of technology today centers on the ability to tell what's true: high-definition cameras to see exactly what happened, audio recordings to note just what someone said. But when the cameras are off and recorders are stopped, how reliable is your witness? Join us in Deuteronomy 5:20 as we learn to follow our God Who is the Truth.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click here to download!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Many of the commandments to love our neighbor are obvious: you see murder and adultery, you hear false witness. But the final commandment of the Ten forces us to acknowledge that our inner desires are where these other sins took root before they bore fruit. Join us in Deuteronomy 5:21 this Sunday, and let's yield even our very desires to God so He will reign in everything that we love.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit here again on March 15.  

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Did you know that Jesus thought the Ten Commandments were really important? In fact, He said that anyone who relaxed the smallest bit of it and taught others to do the same would be called the least in His kingdom! He didn't come to cancel out the commandments: He came to obey them, to reveal the heart that made them, and to follow through on the biggest plan behind them. Join us this Palm Sunday in Matthew 5:17-20 as we hear Jesus' heart for His Law and find our place in His story.

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit this page again on Friday the 22nd! 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • HE IS RISEN! Happy Easter to everyone! We're so glad that you're joining us to worship Jesus, Who died and rose again––fulfilling just what the Old Testament said He would do. Surprised? Read the Easter story with us in Luke 24:44-49 … and find what Jesus says it's up to us to do next! 

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, visit our website at carneyfreechurch.org/services-online!  

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

The LORD Is My Keeper (Psalm 121)

When you look to the year ahead, what fills your heart? Hope? Fear? Longing? Dread? Join us in Psalm 121 as we consider the mountains before us--and remember that the LORD is our Keeper, from this time forth and forevermore!

For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, check back the Friday before this Sunday service.

Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

When we pay more attention to the message the angel spoke to the shepherds, we find God speaking clearly to all of us –

  • Fear Not – in our right response to God's presence, God brings us His care and His joy
  • Good News – Jesus coming to Earth is the best news we could hope for, whether we were expecting it or not
  • For All the People – the fullness of God's care never ceases to expand towards us

Join us in Luke 2:10 for a deeper dive into the good, good news that Jesus Christ is born!

To watch on YouTube, click this link for our Good News channel!

  • Fear. Worry. Anxiety. We probably face a mix of these three in some measure every day. How would you respond if, in your fear, someone told you, "Don't be afraid?" Do you trust them? Are you willing to let go of the fear … and replace it with hope, even joy? Join us for our first of a three-part series in Luke 2:10 as God speaks to us, "Fear not."

    Looking for a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week? It's right here!

    Your giving enables us to gather and to minister here in Carney––thank you so much! If you'd like to give online, please visit this page.
  • Ask anyone if they want to hear good news, and their ears will perk up! But tell them that good news with words that mean nothing to them, and you'll lose their interest just as fast. What does it matter if we have good news to share, but the words we use don't mean anything? Join us for our second week in Luke 2:10 (and 11) as we break down the good news into a message that brings it home!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, we'll upload the file here the weekend before the service!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • God's good news isn't just for the shepherds who heard it first; it's not just for the people of Israel Jesus lived with; it's not reserved for good people, nice people, or "those" people. This news of a Savior is for ALL the people––and we get to make it known! Join us for our last Sunday morning in Luke 2:10, to take the angels' message to heart--and to take it to everyone!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click here to download!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • When ALL the angels arrive, they praise God and say, "Glory to God in the highest!" How do YOU "give glory" to God? Is our praise of Him glorious … or average … muted … occasional and "blah"? We can choose GLORY when we choose to set our minds and hearts on God: join us in Luke 2:14 as we revive God's glorious praise this Christmas Eve!

    For a PDF with sermon notes as well as readings and devotional questions to apply the Word to your week, click to download here!

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

  • Of course God gets glory up in heaven … but what about us on earth? How can the promise of peace be real when our news every day is full of war? How can I know God's goodwill or favor rests on ME? Join us as we hear, understand, trust, and rest in God's promise in Luke 2:14, "on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased." 

    Thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can continue to minister to one another, to our community, and around the world! To give online, please visit this page.

To Be Continued … (Acts)

The book of Acts is the continuing story of Jesus' work and word into our world! Join us as we walk through the birth of the church and learn how the Holy Spirit continues to move His people to live for Jesus and proclaim Him to the world around us, near and far!

  • Pastor Kit returns to preach this week, leading us into the book of Acts--the book where Jesus continues what He began to do and teach in the Gospels. Curious how He's doing that? Join us in Acts 1:1-5 at Carney Free Church this Sunday morning--or join in with us here, online!

    A PDF with sermon notes and study questions for the week ahead are available right here.

    As always, thanks to those who have given to our church as Jesus carries on His good work through us! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, just go to this page.

  • The command Jesus leaves us with is to be His witnesses: to proclaim what we have seen in Jesus! And it means that other goals and desires that rise up in our hearts have to be set back in their place. Join us in Acts 1:6-11 as we walk with the disciples for Jesus' final in-person command … for them, and for us.

    For your sermon notes, and for meditations and questions as the week goes on, download this PDF!

    Huge thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so we can continue to build up believers and reach out to the lost! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • Can the church feel like the invisible "middle child"? In between Jesus' ascension and the Spirit's coming at Pentecost, yes! But see the church for what it is, and remember the beauty of God's people coming together: devoted to prayer, faithful in following Jesus, available when He calls, listening for Him as He leads. Thanks for joining us today in Acts 1:12-26 to read the in-between story of the church.

    You can follow along with our sermon notes and take some questions to go deeper right here.

    Also, thanks for giving so that our church can continue to meet and serve in our community -- and into the world! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • Many of us have tried to tame the Holy Spirit into just a still, small voice, catering to my private, independent, self-serve walk with Jesus. We try to control the Spirit like the air vent on an airplane or a tour bus! But when the Holy Spirit comes, He leads us outward to connect with the lost and to call their attention to our Savior, Jesus Christ! We couldn't record the worship service because of a few technical breakdowns on site, but read through Acts 2:1-13 and see how the Spirit moves powerfully to speak to our hearts and to make us search for meaning.

    Sermon notes – and questions to guide us through the week in this week's passage – are available on this PDF.

  • So how does God follow up this amazing arrival of the Holy Spirit? With Peter's first sermon! Jesus keeps His work going as the Holy Spirit leads His disciples to speak. Follow along in Acts 2:14-36 as Peter proclaims, for the first time, the good news of salvation to all who gathered!

    For sermon notes, and for questions to dig deeper during the week, download this PDF!

    Thank you for giving to Carney Free Church so that we can continue to proclaim God's good news in Jesus to Carney and beyond, just as Peter did in Jerusalem! You can give online by clicking here.

  • Ready to catch a vision for the church where Jesus is alive? Join us in Acts 2:41-47 as we discover a community devoted to God and radical in love for one another! Jesus draws His disciples into devoted life together and radical care for one another that draws more disciples.

    For the bulletin sermon notes insert--as well as A Week in the Word and Preparing Our Hearts for next Sunday, click here to download the PDF!

    Many thanks to everyone who gives to support our ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! You can give online by visiting this page.

  • As Jesus keeps working through His people, He keeps calling us to repent and be saved! Join us in Acts 3 as we see Jesus work through Peter and John to heal a man lame from birth--and to preach Jesus' message of repentance and forgiveness!

    Just click here to download a PDF for sermon notes and with BOTH "A Week in the Word" and "Preparing Our Hearts."

    Many thanks to everyone who gives to support our ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! You can give online by clicking this link.

  • Isn't it strange how, for all the good and blessing Jesus brings, some people still reject Him? Join us for a sharp turn in Peter and John's story in Acts 4 when the religious leaders tell them they can't talk about Jesus anymore. What would you have done?

    For the sermon outline to fill in, reflections on the Bible story, and even Bible study questions to prepare for next week, download this PDF!

    Many thanks to everyone who gives so that we can have an ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! As the Lord leads you, thanks for visiting this page to support our work for the Lord.

  • We quickly burn out and give up when we try to create our own boldness or excitement to tell God's good news. But God gives us one another (in the church) and Himself (by the Holy Spirit) so that we can speak courageously about Jesus! Thanks for joining us in Acts 4:23-31 this morning. 

    Just click here to download a PDF for sermon notes and with BOTH "A Week in the Word" and "Preparing Our Hearts."

    Many thanks to everyone who gives to support our ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! You can give online by visiting this page.

  • When God began building His church, the generous spirit in His people was amazing––actually a lot like when they built the tabernacle and temple for worship! But greed will always get in the way of our worship … and it can be deadly! Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you read Acts 4:32--5:11; we look forward to worshiping the Lord with you this Sunday, with generous hearts.

    Many thanks to everyone who gives so that we can have an ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! You can give online by visiting this page.

  • Our series in Acts reminded us that Jesus is continuing His work in the world by His Spirit and through His people. Are we committed to being used by Jesus? Even through arrest, and mistreatment, and hatred of those who will be against us? Consider the apostles' commitment to continue in following Jesus as we walk together through Acts 5:12-42––and thanks for joining us!

    For sermon notes, study questions through the passage, and more to consider to prepare for next Sunday, click here to download a PDF!

    Many thanks to everyone who gives so that we can have an ongoing ministry in Carney and beyond! You can give online by visiting this page.

War and the Word

How do you think about war? Whether it's Hamas and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, or other nations present and past, we all form views about individual wars and about war itself. This Sunday, we'll let the Bible speak into our understanding of war: where it shows up, where God is in the midst of it, and how to follow God whether in war or peace. We're glad you're joining us!

As always, many thanks to all who give so that we can have a Christian presence and outward ministry to the people of Carney––and into Menominee and Marinette Counties as well! Please consider sustaining our ongoing ministries by giving online on this page.

Spiritual Gifts

God has not only saved us from death and our enslavement to sin; He has saved us to Himself and into His service! Part of that salvation to recover and pursue God's design includes what we call spiritual gifts: ways that the Holy Spirit empowers every believer to actively serve for the common good. If Jesus is your Lord, then let's dive in together to serve Him with joy!

  • Are you ready to follow Jesus? Then it's time to put to use the gifts God gives to each of us by His Spirit! Join us as we wade into this new series on Spiritual Gifts for the next six weeks, beginning in 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

    A PDF with the sermon outline, meditations for the week, AND a QR Code link for further training in using your gifts, is available right here! Make sure to download and print before the service begins!

    Our morning livestream – with music led by the Trinity Concert Choir from Trinity International University – unfortunately hit a bunch of snags so that the video is a bit choppy. However, if you'd like to listen in on the service, you can follow this link to listen in on our worship in music, in prayer, and in the Word of God.

    We offer our ongoing thanks to you and to God for your financial support so we can make fervent and obedient disciples of Jesus Christ in Carney and around the world! If you'd like to give online to support our ministry, please visit this page.

  • So much happens in the human body as all our parts and systems work together--it's amazing! And God wants us to be amazed at our church body, as all our different members with different strengths and different gifts coordinate together to serve the Lord. Join our church body this Sunday in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 as we follow Paul's call to draw one another into the body of Christ at Carney Free.

    We always want to say thank you to those who generously give to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church! If you would like to contribute online to our labor for the Lord, you can do so here.

  • Many Christians have learned Romans 12:2, that we are to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Did you know that spills right over into another passage about using our gifts in the body of Christ? Step one in our minds' renewal is to see ourselves humbly as an active part of Christ's body, the church. Join us in Romans 12:3-8 as we follow up on this transformation God has in store for us!

    A PDF with sermon notes and meditations for the week ahead is available right here. Download it before our service begins!

    A lot of folks have been sick this month and unable to come to church – but we're so glad to be able to make these online services available to connect the gathered church with our church family stuck at home! And if you're able to give to our ongoing ministries at Carney Free Church, you can do so on this page.

  • Maturity is what makes the insides of adults match their outsides. It's the depth of character and security in a person that makes them safe, wise, and good. Mature adults haven't become mature in isolation: we need one another, and we grow by using our gifts to help one another along. Join us in Ephesians 4:7-16 as we review God's plan to make believers mature in Christ together in the church, using the gifts He has given us to build one another up.

    A PDF with sermon notes and further meditations and thoughts for the week ahead is available by clicking here. Download it before the service begins!

    Every week we give thanks to God for how He provides for our finances so that we can continue to minister in Carney and beyond. If you'd like to give to the work of the Lord through our church, you can do so on this page. Thank you!

  • We've been talking about using our gifts in the church … but if Jesus is coming back soon, is there any point? Yes – in fact, we have all the more reason to be found ready and active in building one another up when Jesus is on His way! Join us in 1 Peter 4:7-11 as we continue looking at spiritual gifts -- and how good it is to love earnestly, show hospitality, and put our gifts to use because the end of all things is at hand.

    A PDF with sermon notes and meditations for the week ahead is available right here. Download your copy before we dive into the service!

    Have you heard us say THANK YOU yet? As God has led you to give, we have been able to make God's good news of salvation in Jesus' name known here in Carney and across the world. Thank you for giving, and if you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • As we conclude our series on spiritual gifts, we need to hear a warning from Jesus. God has made a massive investment in each one of us; what if we don't do anything with it? What if we bury our talents, only living for ourselves? In Matthew 25:14-30, Jesus sounds the alarm against being found worthless when He returns!

    A PDF with sermon notes and with meditations and questions for the week is available right here. Be sure to download it before the service begins!

    As always, thanks so much to everyone who gives to support our ongoing gospel ministry in Carney and beyond. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

The Words of Jesus from the Cross

Christians always do well to listen to what Jesus says. What does it mean to hear Him speak on the cross? In His agony, as He follows through on the plan for our salvation since before time began, listen to Jesus: His focus, His heart, that which reveals His own character so deeply, is revealed in what He spends His dying breaths to say.

Thanks so much for joining us for this series. We would love to see you in person, and if you'd like to share anything with us, you can reach out at cefc@carneyfreechurch.org.

  • The character of Jesus in His most intense suffering shows us what His heart never fails to do toward us and what we are becoming when we follow Him. Are you a forgiving person? Do you forgive when the wounds go deep? when "those" people are blinded by their own rage and righteousness? Consider and soak up with us the deep, mercy-filled heart of Jesus as we hear Him speak in Luke 23:34.

    A PDF with the sermon outline and with meditations for the week ahead is available right here. Make sure to download before the message begins!

    As you are able, thank you for giving to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church. God uses your generosity so we can minister on Sunday mornings, to students and children on Wednesdays, and to our community and even around the world throughout every week! If you'd like to give online, you can do so by clicking here. Thank you!

  • When faced with the death of Jesus, His mercy and grace, some people bow their heads and walk away--"I don't deserve it," "it's too late for me," "I could never be good enough for God." But when Jesus speaks words of hope and life to a thief dying on a cross next to Him, He gives hope to everyone! It is never too late to turn to Christ and find His welcome and forgiveness! Join us in Luke 23:43, take heart in His promise, and share the good news with others!

    A PDF with the sermon outline and with meditations for the week are yours to download right here.

    Many thanks to all who give as they're able so that we can bring God's word of hope to Carney, Menominee County, and beyond! To give online, go to this page.

  • When a church moves away from the gospel, it tends to emphasize practical love for others over Christ's work on the cross, or even in place of it. But when Jesus, from the cross, spends His dying breaths in practical love for others, we too must let His love flow through us because of the cross. Join us in John 19:26-27 and listen to our Savior's voice as He died to redeem us.

    A PDF with sermon notes, meditations for the week ahead, and a prayer challenge for the lost is available right here! Click to download, print to fill it all in.

    As people travel more, they tend to give less -- but many thanks to you whose giving remains constant so that our efforts to make Jesus known can stay constant as well! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • It's amazing to think that, at death's door, some people still aren't willing to leave their lives of sin -- and others, reflecting on their lives to that point, finally do receive God's costly gift of mercy and forgiveness! With Pastor Kit out due to Covid, Lonnie Wilson joins us again with a message of hope and a call to embrace God's good news in Jesus Christ, taken from Luke 23:39-43.

    Because we included a video on inviting friends to Easter, Facebook can't permit us to embed our service here today -- but you can follow this link to watch the service where it first posted. Thanks for joining us.

    For your week ahead, you can download this PDF with meditations for your week ahead, based on Matthew 27:46 ("My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?"). We're eager to grow with you as we walk with the Lord this week.

    Finally, thanks to everyone whose giving supports our ongoing gospel ministry here in Carney and into the world! If you'd like to give to Carney Free Church online, you can do so here.

  • He is risen! He is risen indeed! We can't wait for you to join us for our celebration of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. All of the hope and joy of the Christian faith rests on Jesus' new life from the grave. As we celebrate with singing and special music, we'll also dive into John 20:15-16 in a journey from devotion to discovery in Christ Jesus. God be with you on this most blessed of days!

    You can find a PDF with meditations for the week ahead and space for sermon notes right here.

    Also, many thanks to all who give to support the ongoing gospel ministry of Carney Free Church in Carney and beyond! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Services Online: 1 Thessalonians

Paul kept going new places after he had shared the Good News with the people of Thessalonica--but he was worried for them and wanted them to keep growing! This letter to the church there highlights the good news of how they received the message of Jesus and how they can keep growing in faith and love because of what God has done. Thanks for walking through this book with us!

  • As we begin the new year, do you remember what it was like to begin your walk of faith in Jesus? Paul and his coworkers rejoiced to remember how the believers in Thessalonica received and responded to God's news. As we read, we ought to revive our first love for Jesus, too! Join us as we begin reading 1 Thessalonians together this Sunday to start off the new year!

    A PDF with space for sermon notes and some reflections for the week are available right here.

    We've been having trouble setting our livestream videos in here directly lately--but you can also access our livestreams by clicking on this link. Thanks for joining us online!

    Also, we thank God for how He provided for our church's needs in 2022 -- and we thank you for being part of how He sustained our ministry here. Would you consider giving to Carney Free as our new year begins? You can give online on this page. Thank you!

  • Few people pay much mind to strangers who yell to tell them how to live. But think about the mother- and father-figures in your life whose love for the Lord and for us were undeniable: it's hard to turn them down when they urge us to walk worthy of God! Walk with us through 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 this morning as we remember godly voices calling us to come and follow Jesus Christ.

    A PDF with a sermon outline and with meditations for your week is available right here.

    God provides our daily bread as He leads people like you to give to the ministries, near and far, live and online, of Carney Free Church. Thanks to all who have given and who continue to give! As God leads you, you can give online on this page.

  • When we welcome God's Word in our lives and start telling others about Jesus, we regularly find that the people we used to be close to … aren't okay with that. In fact, they oppose us, hinder us, even make us suffer for showing the way to be saved! But that's not necessarily wrong: you're in the company of all God's people everywhere when that happens to you. Join us in 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16 as we follow in the footsteps of this godly church, of Paul, and of Jesus together.

    A PDF with the sermon outline for notes and with meditations for the week is available right here.

    A big thanks to everyone whose giving supports our ongoing gospel ministry near and far through CEFC! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • The friendlessness and self-isolation of others around us has made it so that many don’t have … or even desire … close connections with other believers. But look with us in 1 Thessalonians 2:17--3:13 at the deep love Paul has for the Christians he writes to! We want to share in that same compassion! Let’s move like Paul towards a deep and godly warmth for one another in our walks with Jesus.

    A PDF with sermon notes for today's message is available right here.

    We usually post our services here on Monday mornings, but if you're here and it isn't, you can go right to it using this link.

    Many thanks to all who join us, in person and online, and who support our ministry with your giving! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can do so on this page.

  • When we decide to follow Jesus--to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength--it touches EVERY aspect of our life, right down to the sexual desires of our hearts. What does yielding this area of our lives to God mean for us? Join us in 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 as we dive into God's call on every believer to make us holy in everything.

    A PDF with the sermon outline and questions for your week ahead is available right here.

    As we prepare to discuss and approve a budget for the church in 2023, thank you again for your giving to the church. We want to be good stewards of what you--and God--have entrusted to us, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions about our budget and spending. If you are able to give and want to do so online, you can start on this page. Thank you!

  • There's a kind of person we sometimes overlook but that we all love to celebrate: those who are full of brotherly love for others, who mind their own business, yet who reliably pitch in wherever they can to quietly bless. Isn't that a good way to live? Would you ever aspire to live that way? Join us in 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 as Paul praises the quiet life of brotherly love--and welcomes us to live that way too!

    A PDF with space for sermon notes and meditations for the week ahead is available right here. Click for your copy as we get started!

    February is usually the month where giving to the church drops the most – so a big thank you to everyone who is able and willing at this time to give to the Lord's work through Carney Free! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • This weekend we welcome guest preacher Lonnie Wilson to join us! Thank you, Lonnie, for preparing to bring God's Word to nourish our hearts and minds and keep us pointed to our precious Savior, Jesus Christ.

    To watch our service, click this link that will bring you to the original site where it was streaming. We are unable to embed our video here because of some material in the service that was borrowed from elsewhere (I believe the DISTRICTS video).

    God works through the grateful giving of His people so that we can proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus' name in Carney, in Menominee and Marinette Counties, and around the world! As the Lord leads you, you can give online to support our ministry on this page.

  • At any Christian funeral, not only do we remember the life of the person laid to rest, but we also look ahead to our coming hope. It's common to ask: "Are they really with Jesus? Will we really see them again? How do you know for sure?" Join us in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 as Paul gives these young believers assurance: just as sure as Jesus rose from the dead, God will also bring us all together again with Jesus when He comes in glory!

    A PDF with the sermon outline and meditations for the week ahead is available right here.

    February is a short month and a month where family finances often feel stretched. We want to say thanks again to all of you who continue to give to support the ministries of Carney Free Church! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • Some people keep predicting Jesus' return (and getting it wrong). Others keep seeking their own comfort in this world, asleep and unready for His coming. But we don't need to know the day or the hour; we need to stay awake in prayer; to live by faith, hope, and love; and to be ready for Jesus to come again any day! Join us in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 this Sunday, and let's encourage and build one another up with these words.

    A PDF with sermon notes and meditations for the week ahead will be available here soon!

    In your generosity to Carney Free Church, we see your thankfulness to God Who gives all of us our daily bread. If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can do so on this page. Thank you for giving!

  • We don't wrap up 1 Thessalonians just to leave it behind; we prepare to take off with God's guidance on how to live well together in the light of the Gospel. We're eager for you to join us in 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28 this Sunday -- a communion Sunday for us as well! In the meantime, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

    A PDF with an outline for sermon notes as well as meditations for the week ahead is available right here. Make sure to download and print it as we begin!

    Also, many thanks to everyone who has given so that we can continue to bring the gospel to Carney, Menominee County, and around the world! We thank God for your generosity! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can do so on this page.

Christmas 2022

Our attention turns especially to Christmas as December draws to a close. We hope that you not only enjoy these services, but that they lead your heart and mind in worship of the God Who has kept His every promise to us and sent us the Savior, Jesus Christ.

Services Online: Comfort My People (Isa. 40+)

In November we began a series that turns the corner from God's judgment of His people for their sin to His everlasting comfort and presence with His people. May these messages of hope encourage and build you up as you look to Him. Thanks for joining us!

  • Many of us have seen our treadmills turn into closets and our stationary bikes hold our dirty laundry! We turn them into things they were never intended for. We do the same with Jesus when we ignore why God the Father sent Him! Join us in Isaiah 42:1-9 to see why God sends Jesus, His Servant, into the world.

    A PDF with sermon notes and meditations on our passage for the week is available right here.

    Also, we thank God for how often He provides for our church's financial need at the end of each year! If the Lord is leading you to give to CEFC online, you can do so by clicking here.

  • Our pluralistic society often challenges Christianity by saying, "What makes your God different from all the other religions? Why believe in him instead of another god--or nothing at all?" Here's why: God explains the past, predicts the future, and connects it all in the grand story that includes us here and now. Can your gods, faith, or lack thereof do that? Join us in Isaiah 41:21-29 as the King of Jacob proves His own power over every other idol, religion, or worldview.

    A PDF with the sermon outline and space for notes, as well as thoughts and meditations on this passage for the week ahead, is available right here.

    If you have been blessed by the ministry of Carney Free Church this year, would you be willing to give? The generosity of givers often enables us in December to reach our budget for the year, and we are so grateful! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can start by clicking here.

  • World affairs make the news regularly, but their choices are so far beyond our control … and can really get people scared. Good news: if God Who guides the nations also watches over His people, we have nothing to fear! He is our Helper; He will strengthen and deliver us, no matter how the nations rage! Join us in Isaiah 41:1-20 as we continue to rest in God's comfort for His people.

    Sermon notes to follow the message and meditations for the week are both available right here. Grab yours before the service begins!

    For some reason, Facebook isn't letting us embed our service onto our website this week. Until that glitch can be resolved, you can always go straight to the source using this link.

    Also, thanks to everyone who gives to Carney Free so that we can minister in our area and support our missionaries afar. Even in economic hard times, as God provides, we give Him thanks! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can do so on this page.

  • Christians can get depressed. Even God's people sometimes let our self-talk slide to where we say, "God doesn't know what my life is like; He's never walked even half a mile in my shoes." But Isaiah calls us to look to the God Who never loses track of us! At all times, in every place, without getting tired, with full understanding––God is willing to renew your strength if you will wait expectantly for Him.

    Our main reading for this morning is Isaiah 40:27-31. You can find a PDF with sermon notes to fill in and meditations for the week ahead right here.

    Our church gets to minister for Him in Carney as He provides for our needs through your generosity in giving: thank you! If you'd like to give online to the Lord's Word in and through CEFC, you can do so on this page.

  • God is BIG: grander than the towering mountains, greater than the grains of sand on every shore, beyond the need for anyone's counsel, more powerful than the mightiest roarings of the nations! But … is He *your* god? Today we let this vision of God burst beyond our limits and our control and renew our awe for and trust in Him!

    There's no PDF with sermon notes or study questions this week, but don't let that keep you from getting out a sheet of paper to make three columns as we walk through God's Word in Isaiah 40:12-26!

    We keep giving God thanks for providing for our needs--and for providing for our church family to gather and to go in proclaiming God's good news in Jesus Christ. If you'd like to give online to the ongoing ministries through our church, you can do so on this page.

  • When reckoning with our sin, we feel weighed down: as if we can't take off the darkening sunglasses, or as if every song is in a minor key. But God does change His tune: His warnings of judgment do turn to warm words of comfort. When He comforts us, will we hear Him? Join us in beginning a new series in Isaiah 40 onward to hear God's word of comfort to His people.

    A PDF will be available here soon, with sermon notes and meditations for a Week in the Word.

    We usually post our service here on Monday morning, but if you're here and it's not, please follow this link to watch our livestream. We're glad you've joined us!

    Many thanks to those who continue to give to Carney Free so we can reach our neighbors and send out missionaries with God's GOOD NEWS! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

In October we're wrapping up 2 Corinthians, where Paul urges the church to pay no mind to boastful false teachers but to find our identity and security in God's strength in our weakness. He also challenges Christians to examine ourselves: are we in the faith? Are we walking with God the way He calls us to walk with him, or by our own self-defined standard? Thanks for joining us––we hope to see you soon!

  • Maybe it's surprising to end on such a high note at the end of Paul's letter to the church in Corinth. After all the issues Paul addressed with them, he still concludes with commands that glow with hope: be restored to one another, comfort and encourage one another, live at peace with one another, rejoice! Take heart with us as we worship the Lord together and follow God's Word in 2 Corinthians 13:11-14.

    A PDF with sermon notes and guidance for a Week in the Word is available now. Download yours by clicking here!

    Every week we renew our thanks to all whose giving keeps us going in service to the Lord in our community. If you'd like to give to CEFC online, go to this page.

  • When parents are gentle in correcting their kids, sometimes kids press on until parents bring heavy consequences. Kind teachers likewise change their tactics when students take advantage of softer warnings. God is also patient with us in our wanderings, yearning to lead us gently back to His fold and away from sin--yet He assures us of His judgment should we ignore His calls and His warnings. As Paul wraps up his letter in 2 Corinthians 13:1-10, we see God's kindness and severity mixed in Paul's warning to the church of Corinth so that we too will yield to God's gentler correction through the leaders of the church.

    A PDF with room for sermon notes and questions to go deeper in God's Word this week is available right here.

    Many thanks to all who support the work of God by your giving to Carney Free Church! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • Failures of public figures chip away at our trust and lead us to look for someone to finally get things right. But if a habit of tearing down leaders grows in us, what confronts our sin within when we condemn and cast away godly leaders? We'll join Paul as he starts wrapping up his letter in 2 Corinthians 12:11-21 with a word of warning to Christians caught up by boasting, money, and nagging social sins.

    A PDF with a sermon outline, room for notes, and meditations for the week is available right here.

    Also, many thanks for your continued generosity in giving to the work of the Lord here at Carney Free. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • When you look back on your legacy, how will you explain it to others? Most people focus on the highlights, our mountaintop experiences, and our best stories that reveal how much we made the world a better place. Enter Paul: he downplays his experiences and shares freely the hardships he endured to make much of God's power in his weakness. Join us in 2 Corinthians 11:31 through 12:10 this Sunday to embrace how God perfects His power in our weakness.

    You can download a PDF with space for sermon notes and a guide for A Week in the Word by clicking here.

    Also, thanks to everyone who has supported our church financially as we offer the good news of Jesus to our community and beyond. If you'd like to give online to Carney Free, you can do so on this page.

  • When someone brags, they show where they find their own security and identity: their possessions, their accomplishments, their status. It would be completely foolish for Christians to boast in ourselves! Rather, if we brag, we set out our own weakness--the opposite of this world. Join us in 2 Corinthians 11:16-30 as Paul shows the foolishness of bragging in this world.

    A PDF with space for sermon notes and with meditations for A Week in the Word are available right here. Please download it and follow along!

    We're sorry to report that we had some audio issues with our online service this week (we made a fix so that we could display song lyrics again, but what we reinstalled goofed up the audio), but if you'd like to watch as much as you can from our service, you can do so below:

    Also, many thanks to all who give so that we can continue to minister to our community and around the world. If you'd like to give online, you can start on this page.

Services Online: September 2022

In September we walked through 2 Corinthians 9-11, hearing Paul's direction for the church on generosity, fighting sin's strongholds, and watching out for false spiritual leaders in disguise. We also had Rob Weise from our Forest Lakes District visit on September 18 to speak on our need for the church! Thank you for joining us for the online services; we can't wait to see you face to face again soon.

  • A loving father warns his daughters to watch out for and steer clear of older, mature-sounding, deceptive men. Christians also need to be on our guard against false teachers who sound persuasive but whose actions betray a different Jesus. Join us in 2 Corinthians 11:1-15 for a care-filled warning to believers that extends to every time and place.

    A PDF guide to the sermon (fill-in-the-blank!) and our Week in the Word Scripture guide are available right here.

    Also, we continue to thank God for providing our daily bread and equipping us to minister in our community and into the world. If you would like to support God's work through Carney Free Church, please click here. Thank you!

  • The church can be a great force for good. But do we *need* it? Absolutely! Join us as we dive into Acts 16:16-34 to see why God has created the church and called us to be part of it.

    We're excited to welcome Rob Weise as our guest preacher this Sunday! Rob serves as the Director of NextGen, Events, and Networks in our Forest Lakes District of the EFCA. He's also speaking before the service in our discipleship class hour and afterwards to our Outreach & Missions ministry team: please come and be encouraged!

    A PDF with sermon notes for the message is available right here.

    Also, we thank God for providing for the material and financial needs of our church--through you! If you would like to give to CEFC online, you can do so on this page.

  • When are Christians ready to rationalize their sin and tear down other believers? When a brother or sister comes near to call them on it! As we open up 2 Corinthians 10:1-18 together, Paul shows how—and why—we go to war for people we love, even in their sin.

    We've updated the sermon notes space and the Week in the Word guide for the bulletin this Sunday! You can download that PDF right here.

    Thanks to everyone who generously gives to our church so that we can make Jesus known in our community and around the world! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

  • We see others give generously, and we're inspired by them. We've seen those we give to show their integrity, and we trust in them. Then the question comes to us: *how* do we give? *What kind* of givers are we becoming? Join us in 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 to see what kind of givers God enables us to be.

    Click here for a PDF guide for sermon notes, and here for a PDF with thoughtful questions on the passage to go further during the week!

    Unfortunately, we didn't catch that the livestream had no sound until Pastor Kit began his message––we are working to fix that for next week! Thanks for catching the part of the service where the audio kicked in!

    Also, our thanks for you overflows because of your generous giving to our church week after week! If you'd like to give online to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church, click here to get started.

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Services Online: August 2022

In August we walked through 2 Corinthians 7-9, learning about godly grief that leads to repentance and what leads Christians to generosity. August 14 was our annual baptism service out at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp, when we had the joy of baptizing six young adults this year! We hope you'll join us for next year's baptism service!

  • Businesses and charities today get in real hot water when the causes they raise money for aren't what the money gets spent on or are handled without proper security. But it's not just a "today" thing! Even back between Paul and the Corinthian church, Paul insisted on maintaining financial integrity to do what's right in the sight of God and man. Are you a good steward of what you've been given? Are you a generous giver when you know what you give will be handled well?

    Thanks for joining us in 2 Corinthians 8:16--9:5 this Sunday morning. If you're watching online, we encourage you to download a PDF to take down notes from the message and to read through applications and meditations through the week. The PDF is right here.

    Giving isn't usually the topic of the day, but we do want to give thanks always for the generous support of everyone who gives. If you'd like to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church online, you can start by clicking here.

  • Feeling the squeeze lately? Probably! Who isn't? With gas and groceries being so expensive, it's hard to think about giving and generosity without feeling worried or angry or guilty. But when others live generously, even in their poverty, they make us re-evaluate our hearts. With as much or as little as we have, do we show our love for the Lord? Join us as we continue in 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 and seek to excel in every grace God calls us to.

    A PDF with room for sermon notes and with meditations on this passage on the second page is available right here.

    Nope, it's not just because of this passage we're saying this: every week we thank God for those who have given out of what God has provided them for the financial needs of our church. You are a blessing! If you'd like to give to our church online, you can do so on this page.

  • Can grief ever be good? Is there any hope that heartfelt but difficult words about someone's sin might lead to real life change? Praise God, there is! And what joy there is when the godly grief we feel leads to real repentance, leading to salvation without regret! As we read through 2 Corinthians 7:5-16 in this service, we take hold of the hope of salvation and the joy that it brings--even as God uses godly grief as His instrument to bring it about. Thanks for joining us for this service of worship to God!

    A PDF with room for sermon notes and with questions to meditate on and study further during the week is available by clicking here.

    As we thank God for providing us individually with our daily bread, we also thank God for how He supplies our needs for ministering at and through Carney Free Church through your generosity. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Think about your close companions. You love talking with them, taking road trips with them, pursuing goals with them. Your and they treasure the same things, including each other. But … do they love Jesus? When trusting Jesus transforms your loves and your life, but they don't want anything to do with Him, God calls us to love Him more. It's a difficult call: to nurture relationships that draw us to Him, and to allow relationships that ignore Him and resist Him to fade. Paul pours out his love and burden for us in our relationships as we read 2 Corinthians 6:14–7:4; we hope you'll join us this Sunday.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions and meditations for the week is available right here.

Often, people don't give to our church's ongoing ministry on summer weekends when they're out of town--but we thank God for those who continue to support our labor for the gospel! If you'd like to give to Carney Free Church, you can do so on this page.

If Paul tells us that our new purpose in Christ is to persuade people to trust in Him … well, what does being persuasive look like? If not being able to say the right words worries you, here's good news: it's more about walking the walk than talking the talk. Take a look at 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 with us this Sunday as we commit ourselves to the kind of life that can change hearts and minds!

To so many of you who have given to the church in this season, we want to say thank you! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

It's frustrating to be told you can't do something because you've been judged even before you try. Have you felt that way about sharing Jesus with others? In 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, Paul says that as long as God knows who he is, he's going to do what God calls him to do: to share the message of Jesus that can make everyone who trusts in Him right with God. Join us this Sunday as we worship God together--and as we bring this same message to our family, friends, and community!

A PDF for sermon notes and devotional thoughts for the week is available right here. Click to download yours!

Thanks to your generosity and God's provision, we can continue to proclaim God's good news here and abroad. Thank you for your support! If you'd like to give online to Carney Free Church, you can do so on this page.

So many of us live for the six inches in front of our nose. It's no wonder we're anxious and despondent instead of courageous and hopeful! This Sunday, the apostle Paul points us to the things that are unseen and eternal--and with this new view, we take courage, we want to please Jesus, and get ready for His return. Join us in 2 Corinthians 5:1-10 as we dive deeper into where we're going as a church: to heaven!

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with study questions for the week is available right here.

We thank God for the ministry opportunities God has called our church into, and we praise Him for supplying our need--through you! If you'd like to give to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church, you can do so by clicking here. Thank you!

When we know there's another chapter to their story, we can read stories or watch movies about our heroes without fear, no matter how hard pressed they are! Do you know that God has good plans for the rest of YOUR story in Christ? When we follow Jesus and remember the resurrection with the hope of eternal glory ahead, we can endure every kind of hardship. Take a look with us at 2 Corinthians 4:7-18 and take hold of God's power at work within us!

We thank God for the ministry opportunities God has called our church into, and we praise Him for supplying our need--through you! If you'd like to give to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church, you can do so on this page. Thank you!

Have you ever left somewhere late at night, driven down the road a while … and then wondered why it's so hard to see? And then you notice you never turned your own lights on? We Christians need to turn our lights on, too: the light of Christ meant to shine into the dark world around us! Join us in 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 as we take to heart six encouragements to boldly shine the light of Jesus to those in darkness around us.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions and meditations from Scripture on the back is available right here.

Every week we want to thank you for your generosity in giving to the work of the gospel through the ministries of our church. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

"Permission to speak freely?" "Can I be honest with you?" We ask questions like these to feel out whether we can go deep with someone, or to brace someone before we tell them a hard truth. But when two believers love the Lord wholeheartedly, and they each want to grow in Him, together, we have a new reason for boldness and freedom in our talking with one another. Open your Bibles with us this Sunday in 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 as we let God and His glory transform us into the image of His Son Jesus Christ.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions and meditations for the week is available right here.

We continually give thanks to God for your generous and even sacrificial spirit as you give to support God's work in and through the Carney church into our community and around the world! If you'd like to give online to our ministry, you can do so on this page.

Are you up to the task? That is, are you up to reaching the lost, telling them about the joys and challenges of following Jesus? When we look at the big picture, we might get discouraged by such a HUGE challenge God has given us--but don't lose heart. God calls us to the work, and God gives us His Spirit! Join us in 2 Corinthians 2:14–3:6 this Sunday as we thank God for His call on us to draw others to Him.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with meditations and questions for the week is available right here.

God uses through your generosity to supply our need at Carney Free to minister in our community and send missionaries near and far. Thank you!! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

REMINDER: Our service begins at 9am Central time this Sunday!

There's a "chicken and the egg" question before us as believers: which comes first? Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, or making churches healthy enough to spread the good news? We need to cultivate both a love for proclaiming the gospel to the lost and a burden for churches to live in obedience to Jesus' call. Join us as we look at a small slice of Paul's letter, in 2 Corinthians 2:12-13, to increase our love for both building churches and healing churches.

A PDF with room for sermon notes and with thoughts and questions for the week ahead is available right here.

The economy has hit many families hard, but we give thanks to so many people who have stayed committed to financially supporting God's work through our church. If you would like to give to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church, you can give online at this page.

Tragedies are happening outside our churches (Buffalo, Uvalde), and communities are coming together to restore those who are hurt and to prevent further hurt. But tragedies are also happening inside churches (SBC report on abuse cover-ups)--and Satan has fooled too many churches into tiptoeing around God's instruction on how to prevent and restore. Join us in 2 Corinthians 2:1-11 this week: we must realize and get wise to the devil's designs that would prevent hope and healing.

A PDF with a guide for your sermon notes and with thoughtful questions for your week ahead is available right here.

This is a difficult season economically for everyone--which makes us all the more grateful to those whose generosity and even sacrificial giving sustains the ministries of our church, near and far. If you would like to support our church's ongoing ministry by giving online, you can do so on this page.

Plans change. But why? Some folks are fickle or indecisive; others say yes out of fear of saying no and hurting a friendship; still others will cancel some plans when a better party turns up. But God is faithful: His plans are always YES in Jesus! Just as God is faithful in goodwill towards us, we will prioritize our love for our neighbors and for God above all. Join us in 2 Corinthians 1:15-24 as we learn to say "Amen! Let it be!" to God's Yes in Jesus Christ!

Want the PDF with a guide for sermon notes and with questions and thoughts for your week? It's right here.

We had some difficulty with our Internet service glitching in and out during the recording of this week's service, so we are sorry for how it affected our recording of the service. We trust the Spirit will use what's available to speak to your spirit!

We want to keep showing our gratitude to those whose financial generosity supports our ministries at and through Carney Free Church. Thank you! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

People generally give their trust to leaders with great success stories, who show strength, and who affirm what they already believe. But would you follow someone whose current story has harrowing difficulties? Would you follow someone who proclaims his own weakness? Do you have a habit of doubting others' good intentions and trying to read between the lines? The climate of mistrust we find in our culture today is one Paul faced in church … and one Jesus ministered through as well. Join us as we examine the trust in our own hearts in 2 Corinthians 1:8-14 this Sunday morning.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions to grow deeper this week is available by clicking here.

We continue to thank God for how He provides for our church's needs through your generosity in giving to Carney Free. If you'd like to give online to support our ongoing ministries, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: May 8, 2022

Our culture, our day and age, is marked by deep anxieties and fears. Why does God allow such hardships in our lives when He's strong enough to take them all away? Join us on Sunday as we learn to bless the God of all comfort in 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 -- Who comforts us in our hardships so that we can pass on His comfort in hardship to one another.

A PDF with room for sermon notes and with questions and meditations for your week is available right here.

Additionally, we wish you a blessed Mother's Day today! We have a variety of joys and sorrows among us on days such as these, but we pray that God will bless all mothers this day and lead them by His Spirit to raise their children in the love of the Lord.

Many thanks to all who have given generously to the work of the Lord! If you'd like to give to support the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church, you can do so by clicking here.

Livestream Service: May 1, 2022

What do you call someone who is jealous for a good reputation for Jesus? who proclaims forgiveness by His blood? who gives others access to God's Word? It's not just the job description of the robed priest on Sunday morning: it's the calling of everyone who has put their faith in Jesus! Join us as we hear our special speaker Jay Erickson call us to renew our passion for Jesus in our hearts and into our community.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with devotional thoughts for the week is available right here.

Many thanks to those whose giving empowers us to bring God's good news near and far! You can give online by going to our "give" page here.

Enmity. Strife. Rivalries. Divisions. Jealousy. Envy. Sound like anybody you know? We need an antidote not only to the situations that are dividing us, but to our readiness to divide from and get angry at one another in the first place. Join us as we take a fresh look at the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23. This fruit replaces the works of the flesh with the virtues of joy, peace, patience, kindness, and other qualities we need to heal our interactions with others.

A PDF with room for sermon notes and with meditations and study questions for the week is available by clicking on this link.

Many thanks to everyone who gives to support the ongoing ministries of our church. If you'd like to make an online donation, you can do so on this page.

He Is Risen! He is risen, indeed! We've finally reached the best day of the year--when we remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. His sacrifice for our sins is accepted, death can't keep Him down, and He ever lives and pleads for us before the Father's throne. To Him be the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever! Amen!

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with meditations and study questions for your week ahead is available right here. Print yours off before the service gets started!

Also, a big thanks to the generous people who remember the Lord and His church at this time of year. If you'd like to give to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church online, you can do so by going to this page.

HAPPY EASTER, everyone!

Happy Palm Sunday, everyone! We're so glad that you can join us for this special Sunday!

Imagine waking up every morning, knowing that war stands outside your front door. You make certain preparations, knowing that you might need to find shelter quickly and rely on what you've packed with you as you go. You also pray that you'll not have to actually do the things you're prepared for … but you prepare all the same. Now think: are you prepared for spiritual warfare? To stand against the devil's attacks, to find refuge when temptation comes? Join us as we learn to pray the last line of the Lord's Prayer together in Matthew 6:13 this Sunday: "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

You can download a PDF with space for taking notes on the sermon and with meditations through the week by clicking here.

Also, many thanks to those whose giving enables us to continue ministering in our church and into our community! If you'd like to give online, you can do so by going to this page.

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Forgiveness. It's at the heart of the Christian faith. It's the good news that we proclaim to the world around us: of grace, pardon, freedom from sin! And … how much do we embrace it? Do we seek it for ourselves, daily? Do we extend it to others, freely? Join us as we keep walking through the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray--as we say, "Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors" (Matthew 6:12).

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions and meditations for the week ahead is available when you click here.

Also, many thanks to those who support our church's ongoing ministries with prayer and with finances. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

The Lord's Prayer begins by turning our attention to God's honor, kingdom, and will. But it also shapes what requests we bring to God, and what kind, and how. What have you been asking God for? How can we know if it lines up with God's will for us? Join us this Sunday as we learn to bring our material needs to God in asking for our daily bread (Matthew 6:11).

A PDF for your sermon notes and for further questions to guide your attention to God during the week is available right here.

Also, our giving stumbled this month when we had an icy situation one Sunday and Daylight Savings Time the next! Our church is committed to continue its ministry near and far––and we invite you to help provide the support to keep it up. If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Livestream Service: March 20, 2022

Are we willing to pray something so incredibly countercultural as "Your kingdom come, Your will be done"? Today as we go through the Lord's Prayer we'll consider ten bold commitments we make to God when we pray as Jesus taught us to pray. Open your Bibles to Matthew 6:10 and join us as we look to our loving and strong God together today!

It helps to take notes––so we've got this PDF with guiding questions and useful space to write down thoughts from the message. It's also got further questions on the back to help guide you through the week!

We always want to give thanks for how the Lord provides our material needs--and for how He uses you to bring this blessing. If you'd like to give online, you can do so right here.

Livestream Service: March 13, 2022

The Lord's Prayer starts differently than many of our own prayers. We say "Dear God" as a matter of getting the right address, we bring our desperate requests right away, and we hope God will fix things on our timetable. But when Jesus teaches us how to pray, He introduces us to a whole new beginning and perspective. Join us this Sunday and through March and April as we learn and re-learn how to pray as Jesus taught His disciples long, long ago!

A PDF with space for sermon notes (get your pencil ready!) and with meditations for the rest of the week is available right here. Make sure it's ready before we dive in!

Also, a huge thanks to everyone who gave so generously last month! God uses your giving to supply what we need to reach our community and the world for Christ. If you'd like to give to CEFC online, you can do so by clicking here.

After weeks of warnings about women who would lead to death, Proverbs 8 bursts forth with a wonderful picture of Wisdom herself! She is absolutely desirable; she rewards those who keep company with her; she has been God's own companion and co-worker since Creation and before. Will you honor Wisdom? Will you seek her out, lift her up, and find joy in becoming more wise daily? Join us for a radiant celebration of God's gift of wisdom!

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with questions to go deeper during the week is available here.

We continually give thanks to God Who gives us our daily bread and provides for our needs. And we thank YOU because God uses your generosity to do this! If you'd like to give online to our church's ministry, you can do so at this page.

Ongoing concern for incoming danger leads us to keep ringing bells and sounding alarms to warn others, especially those closest to us. Will we walk with this wise father who continues to show, even in current, practical terms, the danger of flirting with adultery? Join us as we continue seeking wisdom into Proverbs 7, heeding God's continued warning to live smart and avoid adultery.

A PDF with further thoughts for the week and space for sermon notes (get your pencils!) is available right here.

Also, a big thank you to those who have been generous to the Lord and His work through our church this month! Your giving has surpassed our expectations for what is usually a slow month in contributions. Thank you, and as the Lord provides, keep it up! You can give online at this page.

When we heard Solomon's wisdom against adultery two weeks ago, we considered the future ruin it would cause and the present joy of one's own good wife. When Solomon comes back to it, he warns us against the present danger of adultery! It's sure to burn, and the husband of that woman you're with is sure to make you pay! Let's hold fast to God's warnings in Proverbs 6:20-35 as we gather this Sunday.

A PDF with room for sermon notes and with questions to follow up the rest of the week are available by clicking here.

A very big THANK YOU to those who are able to give to the ongoing ministries of our church in February, when church offerings usually take their biggest dip. If you'd like to give online, you can do so at this page.

Get out, get up, and get away! These commands guide us in applying God's wisdom in Proverbs 6:1-19––we need to get out of obligations that are too great for us to handle, to get up when we just feel like being lazy a little longer, and to get away from the sins and signs of ruin and discord we notice. Praise God for all we have in Jesus: our debts are paid, our future is provided for, and our peace is secured in Him! We look forward to seeing you Sunday morning!

A PDF with follow-up questions for the week ahead and space for sermon notes is available right here.

Many thanks to all who have been giving generously to our church this year! We praise God for the opportunity to minister in our church and to our community as the Lord provides--through you! You can give online on this page.

To live wisely in God's world demands clarity on topics of dating, marriage, and adultery. Sadly, surveys show that many Christians who say they believe the Bible have lost their way! God's loving and wise call to us is to run from the regrets adultery brings and to cherish and cling to our spouses, for better and for worse. Take hold of God's life-giving wisdom with us as we read Proverbs 5 together this Sunday.

A PDF with thoughts for further study and space for sermon notes is available right here.

Even when taxes loom large, so many of you continue to give to the Lord and His work in our church. Thank you so much for your ongoing support of the ministries and outreach of Carney Free! You can give online by following this link.

Someone with huge access, influence, and opportunity in everyone's life is their dad. Many modern models of fatherhood aren't good. But what if that changed? What if dads seized the opportunity to train their kids to chase after wisdom, to stick to wise roads, and to tune their whole bodies to be wise? Join us this Sunday as we hear a wise dad counsel his son in Proverbs 4 –– just as his father once guided him.

A PDF with study questions for the week and space for sermon notes is available right here.

We continually give thanks to God for providing for our church's needs and opportunities financially! Would you be willing to give online? You can do so by clicking on this link.

"Sure, that might work nice in a perfect world, maybe in church, but it's different out here in the *real* world." Have we heard that whispered in our hearts? Have we said it out loud when it comes to business? sports? politics? When we read Proverbs 3:19-35, we find that God has founded the entire world with His wisdom: not one part of this world stands apart from Him. Join us as we turn to the God Whose wisdom promises blessing and peace to all who trust in Him--in everything.

A PDF with room for sermon notes and a guide for living out the Word through the week is available by clicking here.

Our Scripture last week urged us to "Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your increase" (Pro. 3:8). Thank you for joining the Lord's work with your financial support for Carney Free Church! You can give online at this page.

Livestream Service: January 16, 2022

When we talk about turning from sin to God, many feel the reason is all about God's wrath and anger towards us--and think so little of His love and blessing He pours out on those who get right with Him again! In Proverbs 3, we see God's good gifts overflow to those who turn away from evil to what is wise and good -- and blessings burst forward to us when we repent and believe! Will you celebrate God's blessings with us today?

Many thanks to everyone who gives to support our church's ongoing ministries at the church, into our community, and around the world! As God leads you to honor Him with your giving, we encourage you to do so on this page.

Ever gone for a hike and struggled to find markers on the trail? Ever been in a big city and unsure of where to go? Life is a path, a way where we can encounter true dangers -- a path for which we continually need wisdom. Join us in Proverbs 2 as we seek after wisdom together like rubies, like hidden treasures, because we know that wisdom will guard us, protect us, and keep us going strong.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and questions to keep you thinking about God's Word through the week is available right here.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has generously supported the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church! We ended 2021 with strong giving, and as the Lord makes you able, we thank you for keeping it up! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Livestream Service: January 2, 2022

Happy New Year everyone! CEFC is jumping into the new year, seeking the wisdom that God gives. Where do we start? The book of Proverbs gives some basics to begin: Just Say No (to Sinners) and Stop, Listen, and Turn. Simple principles like these are constantly needed for the simple and the wise, the young and the old! Join us in Proverbs 1:10-33 for God's wisdom in this new year.

Many thanks to all who have financially supported the ministries of our church! We thank God for the great giving at the end of 2022, just as we thank Him for what and how He provides every year. If you'd like to give online, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: December 26, 2021

When we lack confidence in doing something new or knowing where to turn, God cares to make us wise. When we get frustrated trying to figure out the facts and are ready to hang it all and just plunge ahead, God cares to make us wise. Are you frustrated? Confused? Wishing for guidance in uncertain days? Join us as we open the book of Proverbs together to discover how God wants to make His people … wise.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and study questions for the week ahead is available here.

Again, many thanks to everyone whose giving supports the ongoing ministries of the Carney Free Church. The Lord always provides! We praise God for how He blesses us and invites us to be generous as well. If you'd like to give online, you can do so by clicking here.

Livestream Service: December 19, 2021

A wonderful time for our church has returned: our annual musical celebration of Christmas! You can link to the video on Facebook here as individuals, small groups, and families present a full program of special songs and readings, drawing our attention to the birth of the One Who is Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace – to Jesus.

A PDF with questions for meditation and discussion -- and space for notes on the service! -- is available using this link.

Many thanks to all whose generosity year-round has supplied our need as we bring the good news of Jesus to our community and beyond! If you'd like to help us financially online, you can do so here.

When Isaiah foretold the coming of the Savior, he spoke of a great light shining upon a people in darkness. We have this same hope: in our darkness, Jesus Christ shines upon us. Have you felt like you're living in darkness, walking around without God's light? Join us this morning as we read Isaiah 9:2 and welcome God's light breaking into our lives!

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with application questions on the back is available right here.

We continually want to say thank you to all who are able to financially support the ministries of Carney EFC! As part of your regular worship to God, or as an opportunity for an end-of-year charitable donation, thank you for considering giving online at this page.

UPDATE: We weren't able to post our service to Facebook this last Sunday because of an internet error on our streaming computer! Sorry to all who were looking forward to seeing it and aren't able to. We have plans for stabilizing the computer's internet connection and intend to get that upgraded this week. We look forward to sharing next week's Christmas music celebration with you next Sunday!

God describes Himself as "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6). We will live more like God when we enjoy His mercy and overflow with His mercy to others! Ray Olson visits us this morning with a message urging us to let mercy triumph over judgment in our lives. We hope you will join us, online or in person!

We continue to give thanks to those whose financial support enables us to minister in Carney, our larger community, and through our missionaries around the world. If you'd like to give online, you can do so at carneyfreechurch.org/give.

Jon Payne is with us again this morning with fresh words of encouragement, urging us to mend what's broken -- especially relationships. Are we more likely to throw away a broken relationship and go look for new ones? or to get into the hard work of restoring and mending relationships that are broken? Thanks for joining us this morning as we celebrate the God Who restores us to Himself!

We always want to be grateful to those whose generosity enables us to minister in Carney and beyond. If you'd like to give to Carney Free Church online, you can do so right here.

This morning we welcome David Buckley, pastor of Country Bible Church, to bring a message of encouragement to our congregation in our series of guest ministers! Together we look at the opening to Paul's letter to the Philippians (1:1-6), that we may be encouraged in our partnership in the gospel and in the hope of God's ongoing work in us to the day of completion. Thank you to David -- and to so many who bless our church, from within and from without!

Many thanks to those whose giving helps us continue our ministries in our community -- and through our missionaries around the world! If you'd like to give online, please go to this page.

Livestream Service: November 14, 2021

We are so thankful to Jon Payne, coming to us from Stevens Point as our Forest Lakes District Superintendent, for bringing our message this morning! How do we endure hard times? How do we persevere? Turn with us to 2 Corinthians 4 as we hear the apostle Paul encouraging and strengthening the church in Corinth not to give up!

Many thanks to those whose financial gifts are keeping our mission going at Carney Free -- to make fervent and obedient disciples for Jesus Christ! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

It's a hard truth that sometimes Christians have pure words and polluted words come out of the same mouth. God's Word addresses our speech aplenty, so we're turning to His wisdom in the book of Proverbs this Sunday to put away the speech-patterns of our sinful hearts and to let our lips lead with love like our Lord Jesus Christ!

Space for sermon notes and study questions for the week ahead can be found in a PDF right here.

We continue to give thanks for those who give to the Lord in financially supporting our church and our ministries. If you'd like to give online, please visit this page.

Loving modern-day Samaritans around us like Jesus is a real challenge. There can be people still harder to love like Jesus: people that Jesus warns us about, even warns us not to become! How do we follow Jesus' footsteps in love and truth when it comes to modern-day Pharisees? We'll walk through several stories of Jesus and His disciples on Sunday to prepare our hearts to love the Pharisees as Jesus loved them.

Space for sermon notes and study questions for the week are available here.

We thank God for how He provides for the financial needs and the ministry opportunities of our church--through you! Thank you for your giving! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Livestream Service: October 17, 2021

In Jesus' day, nobody trusted a Samaritan. They'd built up a history, even a legacy, of betrayal, abandonment of God, and even sabotage. Then Jesus meets a Samaritan woman, heals a Samaritan leper, even tells a story about a Good Samaritan! So why did Jesus cut against the grain towards "those people" who were so repugnant in their culture? How did his disciples change to follow His lead? Join us this Sunday as we visit several Scriptures* about the Samaritans to learn to extend trust beyond our tribes.

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with study questions for the week is available here.

Many thanks to those whose partnership in the Lord's work through our church includes financial support! If you'd like to give to the ministries of CEFC online, you can do so at this page.

* If you're looking for Scriptures to study up on, check out 2 Kings 17:21-41, John 8:48, and Luke 9:51-56; then look into John 4:1-40, Luke 17:11-19, and especially Luke 10:25-37.

God's people are FREE! Free, fully, finally, at last! They do what anyone must do in light of such wonderful deliverance: they break out in song! Celebrate with us, let your joy be raised, as we sing through Exodus 15:1-21 to the LORD who is our strength, our song, and our salvation!

A PDF with space for sermon notes and with study questions for reflections will be up here soon!

Many thanks to all whose giving makes it possible for us to gather as a church and to send the Good News into the world! If you'd like to give to CEFC online, please visit this page.

When we turn to Jesus with our lives, we commit to following Him. But what happens when we don't understand why He leads in *this* direction? What about when He leads us into hardship? What about when we feel trapped by our enemies, doubted by those who were following us? Approach the Red Sea with Moses and the people of Israel with us today in Exodus 13:17--14:31; where God leads, He also makes a way!

A PDF for sermon notes and study questions for the week is available here.

Many thanks to those whose giving enables us to continue ministering in and to our community and through our missionaries around the world! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Livestream Service: October 3, 2021

Our story turns from the real-time action of God's people in Egypt to God's instructions for days to come: who can keep the Passover, how to celebrate this feast, what to do with the firstborn. Why this? Why here? But then we let God choose what to talk about--and we learn about becoming part of His people, about remembering what He has done for us and before us, and about honoring the sacrifice of His only Son for us. Join us in Exodus 12:43–13:16 as we bring God's ancient Word to modern times for eternal truth!

We learn better when we take notes and when we review what we've heard! You can click here for a PDF with room for sermon notes and with study questions for the week.

Also, we thank God for so many people willing to give financially so that we can continue to meet and minister in our community and beyond through our church. If you are able to support Carney Free Church and want to do so online, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: September 26, 2021

God's last plague on Egypt was one to be remembered--intentionally. We mark down milestone moments in our lives to celebrate somehow from year to year. So why a plague? Why such detail? Come see why the Passover matters so much to God as we read Exodus 11-12 together -- as we continue to celebrate God's power to save!

Study questions for the week and space to write down notes from the message are available by downloading this PDF.

Our church has taken a financial hit this year, but you can make a difference! Many thanks to those who have continued to contribute to our church for our ongoing ministries here and abroad. You can give online by clicking this link.

Livestream Service: September 19, 2021

How hardened can our hearts become? What is the length to which many have gone to show their rebellion against God? Even as ruin and death approach, those who have long hardened their hearts continue to hurt themselves and those close to them in false confessions, controlling compromises, and angry outbursts. May God deliver us from such fates! Join us in Exodus 9:13--10:29, that we might recognize, repent, and run from everything that comes from long-term rejection of God.

A PDF for sermon notes along with sermon questions for the week is available by clicking here.

As our church's General Treasurer Jill Brown said in the service last week, we are so thankful for those who have committed to support our church financially. God calls us to give back to Him out of what He has provided for us, but our church's giving is far behind its budget this year. Would you be willing to give to Carney EFC? You can do so at this page on our site.

Livestream Service: September 12, 2021

As the plagues roll on, God calls attention to His authority over all the earth by separating out and protecting His own people. How do we understand the persecution God's church endures today, worldwide, while still trusting that the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials (2 Pet. 2:9)? Walk with us through Exodus 8:20--9:12 as the battle of wills between Pharaoh and the LORD continues!

Taking notes is a great way to lock what we learn into memory; follow-up questions help God's Word abide in our hearts. You can find space for notes and questions for later by clicking here.

We praise God for some recent financial gifts that have given our church a much needed boost! Many thanks to you who give regularly and you who give sacrificially! If you haven't given to the ongoing ministries of our church before, would you consider giving online on our church's giving platform?

Our livestream computer was down this Sunday, so we were unable to record the service! Please pray for us as we seek to get the computer repaired in time for next week -- and thanks to all who made the effort to join us online!

Livestream Service: September 5, 2021

At last! God puts His power on display! Who can stand against Him? … And why does Pharaoh keep hardening His heart? The showdown begins as God brings signs and plagues against Pharaoh and the Egyptians in Exodus 7:9--8:19 this morning. Walk with us as we follow Moses, Pharaoh, and God in this struggle for power, allegiance, and service.

Space for sermon notes and questions to keep thinking on through the week are available right here.

Special thanks to those who regularly give -- and to those who have recently given larger gifts to support our church's ministries this year! You are answering prayers! If you'd like to give online, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: August 29, 2021

Is God still the LORD when the oppressors are winning? Is He still the LORD when God's people are disheartened, discouraged? Is He still the LORD when nobody wants to hear what God has told us to say? Walk with us in Exodus 6:2--7:7 as we walk with Moses and our God, keeping faith in His promises, even before He extends His mighty hand!

Space for sermon notes, and questions to dig deeper through the week, are available in this PDF.

We continue to give thanks to all who support the ministry of our church in prayer, in service, and in finances. If you'd like to give online, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: August 22, 2021

What's your move when God's let the situation go too far? When He promises relief, when He gives you guidance … but then it looks like everything is spiraling out of control? Can we still trust Him … *will* we still trust Him? Sit with us in Exodus 5 as God sets the stage to deliver His people at last, with a mighty hand!

Space for sermon notes and study questions for the week are available on this printable PDF.

Also, we continue to give thanks to those who give to Carney Free Church so we can continue to offer the good news of Jesus Christ to everyone in our area. You can give to our ministry online by clicking here.

Livestream Service: August 15, 2021

Moses has been sent -- but the story doesn't launch into him and Pharaoh yet. Yet we tend to overlook these parts of the Bible to "get on with the story." Does God still have more of His plan to show you? Does God have warnings you need to pay attention to? Does God have people to bring into your life for what He calls you to? Slow down with us to catch the end of Exodus 4 (verses 21-31) -- to be aware of God's plan, to respect His will, and to worship Him for His compassion.

Space for sermon notes and follow-up questions for the week are available right here.

We continue to give thanks to those who are making it possible for us to minister near and far through the church. If you'd like to give online, please visit this page. Thank you!

Livestream Service: August 1, 2021

God interrupted Moses' whole life and called him to His service; how did Moses respond? How do we reply when the Lord demonstrates His power for us and through us? Even though many of us have resisted Him, God patiently persists with us so that we will be instruments for His glory. Join us in Exodus 4:1-20 as Ruth Hryshkanych leads us in music and Troy Meissner teaches us from the Word.

Many thanks to those whose love for God expressed in financial support keeps our ministries going. You can give online by clicking here.

A special note: there will be no livestream on August 8, as we are having our baptism service and church picnic at Lake Lundgren Bible Camp! We would love to see you there at 10 am!

Livestream Service: July 25, 2021

Imagine that God wanted to talk with you tomorrow. What would He say? What would you say? What would it be about? God interrupted Moses' everyday with His holy presence to declare to Moses his role in His powerful plan. Soak in the perfect, commanding, saving heart and plan of God as we read Exodus 3 together this Sunday!

Space for sermon notes and follow-up questions for the week are available here. Will you meditate on God's Word with us this week, in your heart and in your mind?

Thank you so much to all who give to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free. Our giving has dropped down this summer, but as you are able to give, we want to say thank you! You can give online here.

Livestream Service: July 18, 2021

Justice matters: to God, and to us. Taking justice into our own hands … doesn't turn out well for us or for anyone else! Are we looking to humans, to gifted people, for our salvation? Or will we wait on God to use the right people, at the right time, to truly and effectively set things right? Join us in Exodus 2:11-25 as we read Moses' backstory -- and read how we need God to move in us above all!

Space for sermon notes, as well as study questions for the week, are available here.

As always, thank you so much to all who give to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church! If you'd like to give online, you can do so here.

Livestream Service: July 11, 2021

How to you keep hope in a hopeless situation? We find God's people faced with this--and the very people that had been overlooked and written off as worthless or inconsequential are the very one God uses to raise up the deliverer of His chosen people. Join us in Exodus 2:1-10, where we find our hope in how God will use His nobodies to bring hope out of nothing!

Space for sermon notes and study questions for the week are available right here.

A continuing THANK YOU to those whose giving to Carney EFC make possible our ministry here, in our area, and around the world! You can give online by going to this page.

Livestream Service: July 4, 2021

Imagine how the children of Israel must have felt as their welcome in Egypt turned to affliction and oppression! Yet God continued to multiply them and strengthen them--and God does the same for His people still. We turn to Exodus 1 this morning to find hope and strength in God through faithful obedience to Him in Jesus Christ.

Space for sermon notes and application questions for the week ahead are available here.

Also, thanks to all whose giving enables us to continue to minister here in Carney and to support the Lord's work near and far! To give online, please visit our online giving portal.

Livestream Service: June 27, 2021

At the end of his letter extolling the unity God has made for us and calls us to in the faith, Paul reminds us that there is a fight going on ... not between us, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. We, together in the Church, must gear up for the fight with all that God has equipped us for to stand firm and be strong in the Lord! Join us in Ephesians 6:10-24 as we prepare for this battle--together.

Sermon notes and study questions for the week are available right here! Keep on growing!

We continually thank God for providing for the financial needs of our church through you so that we can keep ministering to our church, community, and around the world. To give online, please visit this page.

Livestream Service: June 20, 2021

Our unity in the gospel pours into our everyday relationships--even for children and parents, even for employees and supervisors! What do relationships in the home look like when Christ unites kids with their moms and dads? How must our work be transformed when the gospel of Jesus rules us first? Turn with us to Ephesians 6:1-9 to see the beautiful harmony God brings about in our daily relationships, to the glory of God.

Sermon notes and study questions for the week are available here.

Many thanks to those who give to support the work of the Lord in our church and through our church! You can give online by clicking here.

Livestream Service: June 13, 2021

There is no end to marriage advice, nor to the need for it for every couple. But when Paul speaks to husbands and wives, it's not a separate social concern to stay relevant to his audience. Every marriage of Christians is an ongoing picture to a watching world of Christ's sacrificial and purifying love for His church, and the church's obedient love for Him. Join us to discover this profound mystery with Paul in Ephesians 5:22-33.

Sermon notes and study questions for the week are available right here.

Also, many thanks to those whose giving helps us carry on the Lord's work through this church, in our community and in missions near and far! You can give online by clicking here.

Livestream Service: June 6, 2021

Christians who try to reach others in their communities often feel pressure from the world to fit in. But we walk as children of light, shining into a dark world. We don't joke about or indulge in sexual sin; we thank God for sex as His gift to enjoy with care. We don't deaden our relationships in drunkenness; we heighten them by the Spirit's power in us. Come and see this new life God leads the Christian into in Ephesians 5:3-21.

You can print off space for sermon notes as well as questions for the week ahead on our church's website with this PDF.

We continually give thanks for how God provides for the needs and the ministries of the church financially--through you! If you'd like to give to Carney Free online, please click here.

Livestream Service: May 30, 2021

God has brought us Gentiles who were once far off now into His own family -- but we can't live the way we used to anymore! Paul points to the new mindset we now have in Christ, so that in our words and our attitudes we are becoming like God in righteousness and holiness. Join us in Ephesians 4:17--5:2 as we learn to be imitators of God as His beloved children.

Room for sermon notes and study questions for the week ahead can be found on this PDF.

Also, thanks to all whose financial generosity allows us to minister in Carney and beyond! You can give to CEFC online via this link.

Livestream Service: May 23, 2021

Since God has sent Jesus to break down dividing walls and poured out the Spirit among His people -- it's time for the church to live into this reality. Turn with us to Ephesians 4:1-16 to see what character contributes to unity, what God makes unity possible, how different people work together for unity, and what our shared goal for ongoing unity is. Lord, make us one!

Sermon notes and questions for going deeper are available here. Download and dig deep!

Also, many thanks to those whose giving supports our ongoing ministries at Carney Free Church. You can give online at this page.

Livestream Service: May 16, 2021

After dwelling on God's abundant blessings and purposes for His people, how does Paul pray? All that God has revealed to Paul, Paul uses to fuel his prayer for the Ephesian church. So let us pray for our church to be strengthened, to be grounded in love, to know Christ's love, and to be filled with the fullness of God, all for His glory! Join us in Ephesians 3:14-21 and let what God reveals to us about Himself burst forth in prayerful praise!

Sermon notes and questions to keep us thinking will be available here soon. Also, thanks to all whose giving enables us to keep ministering for the Lord here at Carney Free! You can give online by clicking here.

Livestream Service: May 9, 2021

This Sunday we follow Paul from mystery to ministry: when we know, we go and we show! God revealed these blessings and purposes to Paul--then He sent Paul to make them known to Gentiles, people who would have no clue that God cared about them until someone went and brought them this good news. What about you? What about the people around you: will they ever know the incredible blessings that God is pouring out for them in Jesus Christ if we just talk among ourselves without going to them? Join us in Ephesians 3:1-13 as God fills up our hearts to overflow to people around us!

Space for sermon notes and follow-up questions for the week are available here. Many thanks to those willing to give to sustain the ongoing ministries of Carney EFC! You can give online on this page.

Livestream Service: May 2, 2021

The peace across boundaries of ethnicities and race, of the churched and the unchurched, that God has made possible in Christ is unlike any other! And what God has accomplished and proclaims, His people in the church must now bring to life. Join us in Ephesians 2:11-22 as we not only proclaim the peace made by Christ at the cross but live it out together.

Sermon notes and application questions are available here. Also, thanks to those of you who give so that we can minister both near and far! To give online, click on this link.

When Paul describes what it's like to be saved, He keeps pointing to the immeasurable greatness of God's power towards us who believe -- that is, he points to God's grace. As we read Ephesians 2:1-10 today, we'll let Paul bring our blurred ideas about salvation back into focus. Thanks for joining us!

Sermon notes and study questions are available right here. Also, thanks to everyone who gives to support the ongoing ministries of CEFC! You can give online by clicking here.

When we believe the gospel, it shows in our faith in Jesus and our love for His people! And God seals us with His Holy Spirit … so what does that mean? What is the Holy Spirit like, and what does His presence with us mean for us? Turn to Ephesians 1:15-23 as we learn about and live out our triune God's active work in every believer!

Sermon notes and study questions are available right here. Also, many thanks to all who give to the ongoing ministries of CEFC! If you'd like to give online, you can do so here.

"Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places …" So begins one of the longest sentences of the Bible, Paul's exuberant praise that delights in what God has done to save us! Join us in Ephesians 1:1-14 this morning as we shake off our ho-hum attitudes about being saved to rejoice in our salvation--"to the praise of His glory"!

You can find follow-up questions for the week and space for sermon notes right here. Also, thanks to everyone who gives to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church! If you'd like to give online, you can do so on this page.

Happy Easter, everyone! It is wonderful to celebrate that God raised Jesus from the dead for our salvation, for our assurance of eternal life! The message from Micah 7:8-20 will be shorter, but you can find space for sermon notes and questions to dig deeper during the week right here.

Also, many thanks to all who contribute to the ongoing ministries of Carney Free Church -- and to those whom we are able to support and send near and far around the world! You can give online on this page.

Happy Palm Sunday! We celebrate the King Who comes to save … and we recognize what He has come to save us from. Micah points to the fame and success we so often seek at the cost of our souls -- and then points forward to the One Who set aside His glory to save our souls instead. Join us in Micah 6:9 through 7:7 as we fix our hope on God yet again.

Study questions and space for sermon notes are available right here.

Also, thanks so much to those who have been giving to the ministry of Carney Free! You are an answer to our prayers for our daily bread in ministering in Carney and beyond. You can give online by clicking here.

"What does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Join us in Micah 6:1-8 as we remember how He has saved us, made us His people, and called us to live for Him.

Sermon notes and questions to go further are available here. We plan to post the video from our service here on Monday, but you can go there anytime after 10am on Sunday with this link.

Also, thanks to all who give to support the ministry of Carney Free Church! You can give online at this page.

Tucked away in Micah's words to 8th-century Judah are promises about Jesus: the Shepherd-King, born in Bethlehem, to rescue, redeem, and lead His people. How is it that these words from so far away would mean so much to us? Only through the perfect plan of our God! Join us in Micah 4:8 through chapter 5 as we look together to our Shepherd and King.

To find space for sermon notes and questions to live out the Word this week, you can print off this PDF.

Thanks to all who generously give so that we can minister in our community, online, and around the world! You can give online by following this link.

Livestream Service: March 7, 2021

How much does God care about what's just? And what does a just world look like to Him, the source of all that is just and righteous? As we read Micah 3:1 through 4:7, we see a God Who cares to punish injustice and Who restores a just society in all its life-giving hope and glory.

A page for sermon notes and with questions to live out the Word is available here.

Also, thanks to those who give so that we can continue our ministry in Carney and to the world! If you'd like to give online, you can do so here.

Should pastors rock the boat and call out sin? God is full of blessing and love--so why disturb the peace by going after "respectable" sins? Turn with us to Micah 2 to see why turning a blind eye to sin among God's people is a Titanic problem in the church.

Space for sermon notes and a collection of follow-up questions are available here. Also, many thanks to those who give to the church to make our local ministry possible! You can give online over here.

Livestream Service: February 21, 2021

Many thanks to Don Anderson and his team for leading our worship in song, and to Pastor Lonnie Wilson for leading our worship in the Word! We look forward to seeing you again in person next Sunday, February 28.

Livestream Service: February 14, 2021

Hello, and Happy Valentines Day! We're glad you can join us online as we sing songs of God's great love for us and as we listen closely to God's Word through the book of Ephesians. Many thanks to Ruth Hryshkanych and her music team for leading our worship of God in song, and further thanks to Don Anderson, Mike Brown, and Tim Johnson for reading Scripture for us in our time together. Thanks also to our AV team––Gerry Guard, Brian Kuntze, Kevin Strietzel, and Laura Strietzel––for making this available to us online!

Many Christians know that God's storing up judgment for those who are far away from Him: people worshiping false gods, or rebelliously enslaved to their own lusts. But when God warns us that He's winding up to judge His own people, we find ourselves shocked! Appalled! Why does judgment start with the house of God? And how are we, evangelicals, "Good News" people, to incorporate lament and repentance when we realize that we have slid and been stuck in sin? Turn in your Bible to Micah 1, where we'll make a long-neglected visit to a dustier part of many Bibles.

You can find space to write sermon notes and questions to help you live out the Word on this handout.

Thanks to all who give to support the weekly needs of the church in ministry! You can give online by going to this page.

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We measure what we treasure. What happens when God's people treasure their own numbers more than or instead of their God? Join us in 2 Samuel 24 to read through David's last story of the census, the plague, and the sacrifice--and to find how to break free of our idolatry of numbers.

Sermon notes and digging deeper questions are available here.

Thanks again to all those who give generously so that our church can minister in Carney and beyond. To give online, please go to carneyfreechurch.org/give.

Livestream Service: January 24, 2021

The blessing of a godly and just leader brings the fresh and living confidence and hope of the sun rising on a cloudless morning, the rain that nourishes the grass and the fields! And these leaders are blessed by those who serve them with faithfulness, bravery, and courage. Join us in 2 Samuel 23 as we ask––how are we praying for our leadership, in our churches, our businesses, our families, and our government? And are we jumping in as the courageous people who serve faithfully behind them?

Sermon notes and study questions for the week are available here!

We're diving into 2 Samuel 22 this Sunday--a huge song of praise to the God Who delivers us from our enemies! The worship we witness comes from a heart that knows it's been powerfully saved from evil forces it couldn't handle on its own. Those who are saved from much, worship much! So glad you can join us as we celebrate in the worship of God.

Study questions and sermon notes are available here.

Again, thanks to all who give so that our church can minister in our community and support those who minister around the world. You can give online here.

We find two reminders as we read 2 Samuel 21 together: don't lose sight of the terrible end of the wicked, and don't forget the heroes who have been out of the spotlight. We will lose our focus of both warning and rewards if we neglect to look back and learn!

Sermon notes and study questions for the week are available by clicking here.

Also, many thanks to all who give to the ongoing ministries of Carney EFC. If you'd like to give online, you can do so by clicking here.

Livestream Service: January 3, 2021

Most of us have rarely been so eager to begin a new year! But how would we react if the new year gets tainted by the old, one bad situation complicated by another, and another? As we turn to 2 Samuel 20, may God give us the wisdom, peace, and faithfulness of the unnamed wise woman at Abel to deescalate the craziness and to offer righteousness and peace to those around us.

Wish you had a guide to go deeper with what you've heard and apply it to your week? Grab our Digging Deeper questions and sermon notes right here.

Also, a huge thanks to those whose giving enabled us to minister throughout this past year. If you'd like to help kick off our new year financially, consider giving at carneyfreechurch.org/give.